Since 1972

You just added to this number!  Thanks!
David Haun
Steven 'Travis' Lindenbaum 
This page was last updated on: August 25, 2024
Travis Lindenbaum
David Haun 
circa: 1985
Steven*David Jewelry
Travis and David are now retired. 
Thanks for the 50 years of fun. 

In 2024, may your dreams take flight. 
We can no longer make replacements, repairs, or custom work. 
We had planned to keep our business open and do art festivals 
forever, but COVID changed everything.  
The festivals were canceled, so we retired. 
Personally, we are doing well and remain best friends. 
Both Travis & I turn 80 this year 
and it’s time to achieve our lifelong dream of living in Mexico.    
Thank you again for your continuing support.
Sincerely, David and Travis
(email answered daily)